Saturday, October 6, 2007

Conference Morning

This is what we woke up to find our lake front property looked like on Conference morning!


brittanyandtravis said...

That is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like 50 degrees hotter here!

brittanyandtravis said...

the link to my blog doesn't work its
i guess i could have emailed you instead, sorry :)

Dadra said...

All I can say is WOW!! We are hitting record high temperatures out in the East so its crazy to think some places are getting snow! Good luck this winter...

Alona said...

OOOOHHH! Lucky! I haven't seen real life snow in a couple of years!

newsinaminute said...

way cool picture bet you were glad to stay inside watching conference and be all cozy and warm? eh? Bryan enjoyed mo's visit sorry I was a sleepy head