We celebrated McCalls Birthday today! My In Laws came to town for a visit and to celebrate her big day. We started off with the traditional number pancake and then we got to eat cake early in the morning so my in laws could be there for the fun. Unfortunately McCall has been a little grumpy lately (I'm not sure if it's just her teeth bothering her) so I don't think we have any pictures with a good smile in it. While we were singing Happy Birthday she reached for the flame so Mo pulled her hand away and she cried the rest of the time. Thank good she enjoyed her cupcake!

The Boys also enjoyed helping McCall eat her cake!

We also had a party and invited all of the kids in Tanner's Primary class. I think they had a lot of fun. I divided the kids into groups and let each group make their own volcano. Then we poured the baking soda and vinegar into them and watch them erupt. Well I don't know what one group did different but theirs totally exploded everywhere. It was sooooo funny. They weren't quite sure what to do. Even though they had just watched everyone else's erupt they were so stunned!

I also had a bunch of different items like: goldfish, rice, noodles, bouncy balls, etc. for them to feel and they guess what it was. I think the best was the jello!

All in all I think the party was successful!
Brayden was so tired after one day that he fell asleep eating some garlic bread. It is so funny watching him try to eat while sleeping.