Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Circus Fun

We were able to go to the Circus last night! It wasn't a very big one but we had a fantastic time. We headed over early so Tanner could ride the Elephant. It was a whopping 8 bucks to take two turns around the circus ring. I figured it was a once in a lifetime chance and it was definately cheaper than buying a plane ticket to Africa so why not. Tanner hasn't wanted to smile at many cameras lately so despite the fact he looks bored he had a ton of fun and kept asking to ride the elephant again! The talent there was amazing we saw flips done by the rope walkers, people swinging around high up in the air with nothing but a rope around their necks (a little to scary for me) a lady hanging off a mans shoulders by her feet, freaking again! But it was a great family home evening activity!


Alona said...

What a fun day at the circus! I remember riding an elephant at the zoo in Salt Lake when I was little. Great memories!

brittanyandtravis said...

How fun! I bet Tanner thought that was so neat! Chloe I think might be scared of an elephant. I'm glad you got your camera working too!