Friday, November 30, 2012

Promised pictures

I believe I told some of you I would just post pictures on my blog and well I never did. So a recap of the last two month. We went out on a beautiful saturday several weeks ago and tried ice blocking with the kids. They had a blast. I think they need to make ice blocks for adults because my behind didn't fit as well on the ice as the kids. McCall had a hard time staying on and Tanner tried several times to stand on his way down the hill. 

We had a lot of fun at halloween. We did our neighborhood trunk or treat and then went to a few houses. Since Mo and I had dressed up previously for a halloween party I just did a simple bathrobe, pjs and curlers for the trunk or treat. I got a lot of laughs but my favorite was from a kid who exclaimed, "I know what you are, you're a stay at home mom" Yes I guess that is what lots of people think moms look like.

I was just recently released from 8 year old scouts and put in a the 2nd counselor in YW. I think it will be a lot of fun especially since we have a large group of girls and they all get a long really well. I also started going to our elementary school one day a week to be their duty aid for a few hours. Basically I just watch kids at recess and help them if they need it. Today I had a little boy face plant it on the cement and he got a really good gash on his nose. He was bleeding everywhere. Mo also just agreed to become an Adjunct Faculty teacher for BYUI this next semester. He is going to teach just one class called Health Communications. He really enjoys teaching and since he was offered the opportunity to be a professor he decided to try it out for a semester. The school was really needing someone to teach and the day after Mo agreed to teach he already had students signed up for his class. Hopefully it will be something he enjoys.

1 comment:

celeste'sblog said...

Mo's going to be a professor!!! That's awesome. Good job bro!